Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Two Sides Essay - 1379 Words

The Two Sides The views we have are what shapes us, sometimes we have vast knowledge of ideas. Other times we are limited in what we can understand. We are given the choice of seeking out more of said idea or choosing to remain as is. Cathedral by Raymond Carver is a story that gives us a look into what it is like to have our views challenged through experiencing them first hand. We are introduced to the story by narration and we are given a brief summary of how his wife and the blind man had met from the narrrator. We learn that the blind man is named Robert, he is the only character that is named and described in the story. After the exchange of greetings and very detailed description of the dinner they all enjoyed Robert and†¦show more content†¦Like the way the Naratator speaks of the blind man’s marriage. He makes assumptions on how â€Å"pitiful† it must have been for his wife to never know the feeling of being complemented for ones appearance by her husband. How â€Å"pathetic† it was for her to go to her grave knowing that he never knew what she looked like. â€Å"I felt sorry for the blind man for a little bit. And then I found myself thinking what a pitiful life this woman must have led. Imagine a woman who could never see herself as she was seen in the eyes of her loved one.† Carver (p.3) Through the Progression of the story, we see that the main character starting to form a different outlook on Robert. When the main character and the blind man are watching television in silence, a documentary about cathedrals airs on the television prompting the narrator to ask if the blind man had any idea what a cathedral actually looks like. Robert is only able to describe the process of it being built but asks the narrator to describe one to him. As he attempts to describe the cathedrals our characters are starting to form this bond. After failing miserably Robert then asks if he and the narrator can draw a Cathedral together. As they draw we as readers start becoming more aware of the change happening within the narrator. The narrator keeps drawing with the encouragement from Ralph, asShow MoreRelatedEssay on Two Sides653 Words   |  3 PagesAnd That I Love You† clearly illustrates that love has two sides. Neruda uses the text as an example throughout his poem to explain that love has two sides. These two sides are that he loves and that he does not love. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This is explained through Neruda’s words: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;You must know that I do not love and that I love you, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;because everything alive has its two sides; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a word is one wing of silenceRead MoreThe Two Side Of Abuse1406 Words   |  6 PagesRichard De Prospo ENG 210-10 4 May 2015 The Two Side of Abuse There are two sides of abuse to every harmful relationship: the victim and the victimizer. 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